

What is Verite?

Verite is a decentralized identity framework for the Web3 and DeFi communities. It is a collection of standardized protocols that provide a way to prove identity claims without exposing sensitive personal information. Verite credentials are stored securely in a crypto wallet and can be used by web apps, mobile apps, and smart contracts to verify the identity of participants.

The credentials are portable and allow individuals and entities to control how, when, and where their identity attributes are shared. No personally identifiable data is sent or stored on-chain. Verite is open-source and free for anyone to use and build upon. It is composable and interoperable, enabling developers to create portable, privacy-preserving solutions for KYC (Know Your Customer), credit scoring, accreditation, and more.

Verite was developed by the Centre Consortium in collaboration with Circle and other trusted industry leaders, such as Coinbase and Block. It is decentralized, with no single entity having authority over usage or development.

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