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What is W3box?

W3box is a platform that provides web3 as a service (W3aaS) for developers. Web3 refers to the set of protocols and APIs that enable the decentralized web, and is an essential component of many blockchain-based applications.

W3box aims to make it easier for developers to build and deploy web3 applications by providing a range of tools and services that are designed to streamline the development process. These may include SDKs, apps, and smart contracts, among other things.

The platform includes a wizard that guides you through the process of building custom web3 implementation, and is intended to help you build the next generation of web3 applications, including NFT collections and other decentralized applications.

Whether you are building the next great NFT collection or need to use web3 for a new application, W3box can help you build your next custom web3 implementation with ease.

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