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Top Blockchain Data APIs

Find the best dev tools for your blockchain project faster with the ultimate web3 library


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BitquerySmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Parse, index, and store blockchain data. Actionable and insightful GraphQL API.

CovalentSmall EthereumETH

Aggregate historical balances, positions, and PnL across DeFi and NFT assets.

WatchDataSmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Balances, transactions, blocks, tokens, logs, and others in a structured format.

KaleidoSmall EthereumETH

Next-gen developer experience for building, testing, and running distributed systems.

ZettaBlockSmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

The First Full-stack, Real-time Web3 Data Infra
Nansen API

Nansen APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Discover Insights You Can't Get Anywhere Else
Coinmarketcap API

Coinmarketcap APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

The world's cryptocurrency data authority has a professional API made for you.
CoinGecko API

CoinGecko APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Most Comprehensive Cryptocurrency API
Dune Analytics API

Dune Analytics APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Free crypto analytics by and for the community

FinageSmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Real-time and Historical crypto data via WebSockets and APIs from over 15 crypto exchanges
Coinlayer API

Coinlayer APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates JSON Rest API
Coinpaprika API

Coinpaprika APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

The only cryptocurrency API you will ever need Fast & accurate, trusted by the community.
Cryptowatch API

Cryptowatch APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Our REST API provides real-time market data for thousands of markets on 23 exchanges.

CoinAPISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

All-in-one place with cryptocurrency APIs
CoinCap API

CoinCap APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

CoinCap is a useful tool for real-time pricing and market activity for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies.
Token Metrics API

Token Metrics APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

AI-Generated Data API
CryptoCompare API

CryptoCompare APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Extensive data you can rely on
Binance API

Binance APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Unlimited Opportunities with One Key
DefiLlama API

DefiLlama APISmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Open and transparent DeFi analytics

What are Blockchain Data APIs?

Blockchain Data APIs provide access to a vast range of data on various blockchains, making it easier for developers to build applications that require blockchain data.

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