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Top Blockchain Indexers on Ethereum

Find the best dev tools for your blockchain project faster with the ultimate web3 library


    Type of data

CovalentSmall EthereumETH

Aggregate historical balances, positions, and PnL across DeFi and NFT assets.
The Graph

The GraphSmall EthereumETH

APIs for a vibrant decentralized future. Making data easily accessible.

TransposeSmall EthereumETH

Explore and integrate real time blockchain data into any application at scale.

GoldskySmall EthereumETH

Real-time data infra for Web3.

TrueBlocksSmall EthereumETH

Lightweight indexing for any EVM-based blockchain.

Eth-indexSmall EthereumETH

An indexer for events on the Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum ETL

Ethereum ETLSmall EthereumETH

Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum.

MoralisSmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

Your Web3 Platform for Blockchain & Digital Assets

SequenceSmall EthereumETH

Smart wallet for Ethereum

ZettaBlockSmall EthereumETHSmall SolanaSOL

The First Full-stack, Real-time Web3 Data Infra

SubQuerySmall EthereumETH

The universal web3 data indexing toolkit

SubsquidSmall EthereumETH

The future of indexing, simplified

UnmarshalSmall EthereumETH

The easiest way to query Blockchain data from 20+ chains including Ethereum, BSC, Polygon
Space and Time

Space and TimeSmall EthereumETH

Decentralized Data Warehouse

ApibaraSmall EthereumETH

Open source platform to stream and transform on-chain data

BasementSmall EthereumETH

All web3 data you need

ChainbaseSmall EthereumETH

One Web3 Data Infra. Every Team.

BlockvisionSmall EthereumETH

Bespoke Web3 APIs & Data indexing built from the ground up

What is an Ethereum Indexer?

An Ethereum Indexer is a specialized tool designed specifically for the Ethereum blockchain to extract, transform, and store its data in a more queryable and structured format. Ethereum's rich ecosystem of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) generates vast amounts of data. To efficiently navigate and extract specific information from this data, Ethereum Indexers parse the blockchain, organizing the data in structured databases. This process not only streamlines data retrieval but also supports developers, analysts, and businesses in understanding and leveraging Ethereum's complex landscape.

Features of an Ethereum Indexer

  • Smart Contract Decoding: Given Ethereum's smart contract capabilities, Indexers decode contract interactions, making the data more readable and understandable.
  • ERC Token Tracking: Indexers often have built-in functionalities to track ERC-20 and ERC-721 token transfers, balances, and other related events.
  • Fast Query Performance: By storing Ethereum data in structured databases, Indexers allow for rapid and complex querying, which would be arduous directly on the blockchain.
  • Real-time Data Processing: Many Ethereum Indexers offer real-time data processing, ensuring that the indexed data is always up-to-date with the latest on-chain activities.
  • Historical Analysis: An Ethereum Indexer provides tools to delve into historical data, crucial for analytics, audits, and research purposes.
  • API Interfaces: To further simplify data access, many Ethereum Indexers come equipped with APIs, streamlining integration with DApps, analytics platforms, and other services.

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